So that being said I would once again make a cover all statement. I write for entertainment, both yours and mine. I like to be over-dramatic in my ramblings, and generally you can count on that. My stories are never really as bad as I make them out to be. I just want you to think they are. The descriptions I use may seem a bit "embellished" some may say, but the way I see it, really they're just helping me with my creative writing skills, and who doesn't love some good imagery right? I mean I could say; "She finally told me the truth" or you could go with something to the effect of; "I interrogated her until she cracked like an egg at breakfast and spilled the beans, shedding more light on the situation that the field lamps at Yankee stadium." Now mind you it's not my best work, but you get the picture. I personally much prefer the latter. The problem is that at some point, I've broken the boundary of where vocabulary equates to intellect, and entered the realm of melodrama. So Lets just be clear. I'm TRYING to be melodramatic and I like to think I'm good at it. I know your jealous. It's quite a gift.
So to recap. I will say this one more time. Nothing is as bad as I say it is. I just want you to be entertained. I choose to be over-dramatic and when you tell me so, I take it as a complement.
I just threw up in my mouth so I guess you win.
threw up with love of course
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